Clarifications about the Call for tenders N°36/2021_SPA/RAC_NTZ/MPA
Subject : Clarifications about the Call for tenders N°36/2021 SPA/RAC NTZ/MPA
The following clarifications are given for a better understanding of the Tender Documents:
1) Under Section 6, it says "The planned duration of the consultancy is approximately 6 months from early-December 2021 to end-May 2022, with the following tentative schedule", suggesting that it is a flexible schedule in terms of overall duration, starting date and ending date.
However, Articles 11 & 12 state a fixed schedule and a penalty for delays. What would finally be the approach?
The maximum time allocated for carrying out the study is 6 months as from the date of signature of the contract, including the deadlines for handing in the final documents and deliverables according to the indicated timeline. The section 6 is modified accordingly in the new version of the Call for tender.
2) Deliverable 5 (draft scientific paper) was not included in the schedules provided. Is there a (fixed) deadline for providing it or is it something open/flexible and, in that case, what would the intended deadline be?
The draft scientific paper should be delivered with the distribution maps. The new version of call for tender is modified accordingly.
3) Article 3 states that proposals for this Call will be accepted until the 30/12/2021. However, the first deliverable under Section 6 and Article 11 is set for 31/21/2021. Is that correct?
The deadline for submission date is 15 December 2021, at 23:59 UTC+1 (Tunis Time). It was a mistake, the call was issued on November 17th, 2021, a minimum of 21 days is required. The new version of the call for tender is modified accordingly.
4) Article 5 states that the maximum acceptable budget to bid for this call is 57,000€ (including taxes). In turn, Article 9.2 sets a maximum budget (incl. taxes) of 42,000€. We would appreciate knowing which figure is the correct reference to consider.
A total maximum budget available for this call for consultancy is 57 000 Euros all taxes included. Any financial offer exceeding this amount will not be considered. The article 9.2 in the new version of call of tender is modified accordingly.
5) Are the conditions under Section 7 excluding; i.e. in case the specifications as listed in the ToR?
The specification in Section 7 excludes proposed experts that do not fit exactly the requirements.
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