. .


The Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) has developed many communication tools (handbooks, leeflets, guidelines...) within it's scope of action:

Text of the Protocol

The SPA/BD Protocol



The marine biodiversity centre at the service of the Mediterranean countries




Post-2020 Strategic Action Programme for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in the Mediterranean Region

(English - Spanish - Arabic)


Conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity in the western Mediterranean sub-region by
2030 and beyond




Post-2020 Regional Strategy for MCPAs and other effective area-based conservation measures in the Mediterranean


Conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity in the Adriatic
Sea sub-region by 2030 and beyond


Conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity in the Aegean Sea and levantine basin subregion
by 2030 and beyond


Conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity in the Ionian Sea and central Mediterranean
sub-region by 2030 and beyond


Strategic Action Programme for the conservation of Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean Region


Information note about the Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation of Marine and Coastal Biodiversity in the Mediterranean


The white coral community, canyon and seamount faunas of the deep Mediterranean Sea


The coralligenous in the Mediterranean Sea


Effects of fishing practices on the Mediterranean Sea


Legal analysis of the measures adopted by Mediterranean countries


Impact of tourism on Mediterranean marine and coastal biodiversity


Biodiversity of coastal wetlands in the Mediterranean




Guidance document for the identification and designation of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas in relation to Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance.


Med Monk Seal Project

Training manual for monitoring the Mediterranean monk seal


NTZ/MPA Project

Étude juridique et institutionnelle pour la mise en place de mécanismes de financement durable pour la gestion des Aires Marines et Côtières Protégées (AMCP) en Tunisie - Résumé Exécutif






EcApMed III Project

Bright spots in the Mediterranean






IMAP MPA Project


Schéma directeur de la réserve naturelle de l'île de Rachgoun (French only)

Plan de gestion de la réserve naturelle de l'île de Rachgoun (French only)

Plan d'affaires de l'aire marine protégée de l'île Rachgoun (French only)

Caractérisation bioécologique de la partie marine et côtière de l'île de Rachgoun (French only)


Etude socioéconomique de l'environnement marin et côtier de l'île de Rachgoun (French only)

Rapport de pertinence pour le classement de la zone marine et côtière de l'île de Rachgoun (French only)


Etude de classement de la zone marine et côtière de l'île de Rachgoun (French only)




Post-2020 national strategy for marine and coastal protected areas (MCPAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) in the Mediterranean coast of Egypt: Diagnosis report

Post-2020 national strategy for marine and coastal protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures in the Mediterranean coast of Egypt (Arabic only)

Post-2020 national strategy for marine and coastal protected areas (MCPAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) in the Mediterranean coast of Egypt: Inception report


Management plan of Tyre Coast Nature Reserve

Management plan of Tyre Coast Nature Reserve: Assessment - diagnosis report

Socioeconomic characterization of the coastal and marine habitats in Tyre


Ecological characterization of the coastal and marine habitats in Tyre




Synthetic overview on the ecological characterization of the coastal and marine area of gulf of Sirte (English, Arabic)

Synthetic overview on the soci-economic characterization of the coastal and marine area of gulf of Sirte (English, Arabic)

Management plan of the coastal and marine area of Shash - Gulf of Sirte: Assessment-diagnostic

Management plan of the coastal and marine area of Shash - Gulf of Sirte

Elaboration of a synthetic overview on the ecological characterization of the coastal and marine area of Gulf of Sirt


Socio-economic study of the coastal and marine area of the Gulf of Sirte



Stratégie de communication pour la promotion de la future aire marine et côtière protégée de Jbel Moussa au Maroc: Etat des lieux (French only)

Stratégie de communication pour la promotion de la future aire marine et côtière protégée de Jbel Moussa au Maroc: Axes de communication (French only)

Stratégie de communication pour la promotion de la future aire marine et côtière protégée de Jbel Moussa au Maroc: Plan d'action (French only)

Stratégie de communication pour la promotion de la future aire marine et côtière protégée de Jbel moussa au Maroc (French only)

Programme d'intégration et de développement socio-économique au niveau de la future aire marine et côtière protégée de Jbel Moussa au Maroc: bilan-diagnostic (French only)

Programme d'intégration et de développement socio-économique au niveau de la future aire marine et côtière protégée de Jbel Moussa au Maroc (French only)


Programme d'intégration et de développement socio-économique au niveau de la future aire marine et côtière protégée des îlots nord-est de l'archipel des Kerkennah en Tunisie (French only

Stratégie de communication pour la promotion de la future aire marine et côtière protégée des îlots nord-est de l'archipel des Kerkennah en Tunisie (French only)

Stratégie de communication pour la promotion de la future aire marine et côtière protégée des îlots nord-est de l'archipel des Kerkennah en Tunisie: Axes de communication (French only)


Stratégie de communication pour la promotion de la future aire marine et côtière protégée des îlots nord-est de l'archipel des Kerkennah en Tunisie: Etat des lieux (French only)




Post-2020 regional strategy for marine and coastal protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures in the Mediterranean: MCPA & OECM strategy

Bright spots in the Mediterranean


La science des Aires marines protégées (Arabic only)



Kuriat Project

Birds of the Kuriat Islands


Fish and cephalopods caught in the Kuriat Islands


Non-indigenous species in the Kuriat Islands

(English - French - Arabic)


Marine turtles in Kuriat islands (English - French - Arabic)



Deep-Sea Lebanon project

2016 Deep-sea Lebanon Expedition: Exploring Submarine Canyons


Results of the 2016 Expedition Exploring Submarine Canyons – Executive summary


Development of a Management Plan for the Jounieh proposed Marine Protected Area


Lignes directrices pour l'inventaire et le suivi des peuplements obscurs en mer Méditerranée (English - French)



MSP Pilot Project

Assessment of the Ecological Status and MSP preliminary initial assessment in Vlora Marine Area (Albania) in the framework of the MSP Pilot Project (Albanian - English)


Guidelines for Marine Spatial Planning process in Albania (Albanian - English)


Anchoring buoys for small pleasure boats in Albania (Albanian - English)



Marine Turtle Project

Marine Turtle Research and Conservation in Libya: A contribution to safeguarding Mediterranean Biodiversity

Conservation of the Marine Turtles in Lebanon


Monitoring of Tunisian coasts for sea Turtles nesting sites
(French Only)



National Action Plan for the conservation of Marine Turtles in Tunisia
(French only)


National Strategy to reduce illegal trade of Sea Turtles in Tunisia
(French Only)



MedMPA Network Project


Salloum Marine Protected Area - the Mediterranean Pearl (Arabic only)


Environmental assessment of marine natural resources in the Gulf of Salloum Marine Protected Area (English - Arabic)


Socio-economic study for the Salloum Marine Protected Area in Egypt


Management plan of the Salloum MPA – phase 1: diagnosis report (Arabic only)


Management plan of the Salloum MPA – phase 2: management measures (Arabic only)


Salloum Marine Protected Area - Map (Arabic only)



The legal framework for marine protected areas in Lebanon: Fact sheets


Ecological characterization of potential new Marine Protected Areas in Lebanon: Batroun, Medfoun and Byblos



L'aire protégée de Jbel Moussa : une perle dans le Détroit de Gibraltar (only in French)


Lignes directrices pour le suivi écologique à mener dans le cadre de la gestion de la partie marine et côtière de la future Aire protégée de Jbel Moussa (only in French)


Plan de financement de l'Aire protégée de Jbel Moussa (only in French)


Plan de gestion intégré du site d'intérêt biologique et écologique de Jbel Moussa – phase 1 : Bilan diagnostic (only in French)


Plan de gestion intégré du site d'intérêt biologique et écologique de Jbel Moussa – phase 2 : Mesures de gestion (only in French)


Le cadre juridique des Aires Marines Protégées en Tunisie : Fiches synthétiques (only in French)


L'aire protégée de Jbel Moussa - Carte (only in French)



Plan de financement de la future Aire marine et côtière protégée des îlots nord de l'archipel de Kerkennah (Tunisie) (only in French)


Plan de gestion de la partie marine et côtière des îlots nord de l'archipel de Kerkennah - Phase I : bilan diagnostic (only in French)


Plan de gestion de la partie marine et côtière des îlots nord de l'archipel de Kerkennah - Phase II : mesures de gestion (only in French)


Le cadre juridique des Aires Marines Protégées en Tunisie : Fiches synthétiques (only in French)



The 2016 status of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean


The 2016 status of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean : Main findings


The system of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas in 2016


How to reach the qualitative aspects of Aichi Target 11 in the Mediterranean


Guidelines for strengthening the sustainable socio-economic role of Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Protected Areas


The marine biodiversity map


The MedMPA Network Project IInd phase (English - Arabic - French)


EcApMed II Project

National Monitoring Programme for Marine Biodiversity in Lebanon


Programme national de surveillance de la biodiversité marine en Méditerranée marocaine (In French)


Programme national de surveillance de la biodiversité marine en Tunisie (In French)


National Monitoring Programme for Marine Biodiversity in Israel



Med-Bycatch project

MedBycatch Project Flyer (Phase II)


Good practice guide for the handling of cetaceans caught incidentally in Mediterranean fisheries (Arabic, English, French, Turkish)


Good practice guide for the handling of seabirds caught incidentally in Mediterranean pelagic longline fisheries (Arabic, English, French, Turkish)


Good practice guide for the handling of seaturtles caught incidentally in Mediterranean fisheries (Arabic, English, French, Turkish)


Good practice guide for the handling of sharks and rays caught incidentally in Mediterranean pelagic longline fisheries (Arabic, English, French, Turkish)


Pocket identification guide of main vulnerable species incidentally caught in Moroccan fisheries
(English, French)


Pocket identification guide of main vulnerable species incidentally caught in Turkish fisheries
(English, Turkish)


Pocket identification guide of main vulnerable species incidentally caught in Tunisian fisheries
(English, French)


Bycatch Project Flyer


Identification guide of vulnerable species incidentally caught in Mediterranean fisheries

(ArabicCroatianEnglish - French - Italian - Spanish - Turkish)


Pocket identification guide of main vulnerable species incidentally caught in Italian fisheries
(Italian - English)


Pocket identification guide of main vulnerable species incidentally caught in Croatian fisheries
(Croatian - English)



Monitoring the incidental catch of vulnerable species in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries - Methodology for data collection


(English - French - Arabic)





MedKeyHabitats Project

Project's Leaflet (Arabic)


Biogenic formations in the Slovenian sea


Standard methods for inventorying and monitoring coralligenous and rhodoliths assemblages


Guidelines for Standardization of Mapping and Monitoring Methods of Marine Magnoliophyta in the Mediterranean


Handbook for interpreting types of marine habitat for the selection of sites to be included in the national inventories of natural sites of conservation interest


Brochure: Mapping of marine key habitats in the Mediterranean and promoting their conservation through the establishment of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance



Île de Rachgoun. Cartographie des habitats marins clés de Méditerranée et initiation de réseaux de surveillance (in French)



Platamuni and Ratac areas. Summary report of the available knowledge and gap analysis


Platamuni and Ratac areas. Mapping of marine key habitats and initiation of monitoring network


Platamuni and Ratac areas. Mapping appendixes



Site de Jbel Moussa. Cartographie des habitats marins clés de Méditerranée et initiation de réseaux de surveillance (in French)


Photographic exposition of Jbel Moussa


Cap Negro-Cap Serrat. Synthèse des connaissances disponibles et analyses des lacunes (in French)


Cap Negro-Cap Serrat. Cartographie des habitats marins clés de Méditerranée et initiation de réseaux de surveillance (in French)


MedKeyHabitats II Project

Cartographie des Habitats marins clés et évaluation de leur vulnérabilité face aux activités de la pêche dans les îles Habibas et l'île Paloma en Algérie


Cartographie des habitats marins clés et évaluation de leur vulnérabilité aux activités de pêche dans l'AMCP des îles Kuriat


Cartographie des habitats marins clés et évaluation de leur vulnérabilité aux activités de pêche dans le Parc National d' El Hoceima au Maroc


Türkiye Foça Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi’nde önemli denizel habitatların haritalandırılması ve balıkçılık faaliyetlerine karşı kırılganlıklarının değerlendirilmesi : Mevcut bilgi ve boşluk analizi


Mapping of marine key habitats and assessing their vulnerability to fishing activities in Foça Special Environmental Protection Area


Türkiye: Foça Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi. Sonuç raporu


Mapping of marine key habitats and assessing their vulnerability to fishing activities in Foça Special Environmental Protection Area, Türkiye : available knowledge and gap analysis. By Kaboğlu


Mapping of marine key habitats and assessing their vulnerability to fishing activities in Foça Special Environmental Protection Area


Mapping of marine key habitats and assessing their vulnerability to fishing activities in Cape Greco MPA, Cyprus


National Action Plan for the conservation of marine vegetation in Cyprus.


Mapping of marine key habitats and assessing their vulnerability to fishing activities in Malta: available knowledge and gap analysis


Mapping of marine key habitats and assessing their vulnerability to fishing activities in Malta



Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages: a synthesis of present knowledge


Mediterranean marine caves: remarkable habitats in need of protection




MedMPAnet Project


Ecological study in the Porto Palermo Bay and surrounding areas (English - Albanian)


Socio-economic survey and tourism development study (English - Albanian)


Legal and institutional framework assessment for conservation of coastal and marine biodiversity and the establishment of MPAs in Albania (English - Albanian)



Management plan of Porto Palermo-Llamani Bay protected area in Albania (English - Albanian)


Financial planning for the Porto Palermo marine protected area in Albania




Étude socio-économique de l'activité de pêche et identification des mécanismes de participation des acteurs locaux concernés par l'AMP pilote de Réghaia (in French)


Bilan diagnostic de la Réserve naturelle de Réghaia en Algérie (in French)


Caractérisation de la zone marine de la Réserve Naturelle de Réghaia en Algérie (in French)



Plan de gestion de la Réserve naturelle de Réghaia en Algérie (in French)


Financement durable de la future Réserve naturelle marine de Réghaia (in French)




Assessment and monitoring of coastal fisheries resources and socio-economic research of local fisheries at selected areas of the Primorje- Gorski Kotar County in Croatia (in croatian)


Legal and institutional framework assessment for conservation of coastal and marine biodiversity and the establishment of MPAs in Croatia (English - Croatian)


Field manual for monitoring of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows (Posidonia meadows) (English - Croatian)


Monitoring activities by applying National Monitoring Protocol for Posidonia oceanica in marine areas of Primorje and Gorski Kotar County


Testing of Monitoring Protocol for coralligenous community: 2013 Field report


Testing of Monitoring Protocol for coralligenous community: 2014 Field Report


Monitoring Protocol for Reefs - coralligenous community - Croatia


Protection effectiveness assessment of the marine part of Prvić and Grgurov Kanal in Croatia (in Croatian)


Mapping marine and coastal habitats and species of the areas of Prvić, Goli Otok, Sv. Grgur, Unije, and Susak Islands in Croatia (in Croatian)



Monitoring Protocol for Posidonia oceanica beds - Croatia






Socio-economic study for the Sallum Marine Protected Area in Egypt (English - Arabic)





Synthesis report of the ecological characterization of the marine areas of Enfeh peninsula, Ras Chekaa and Raoucheh cave in Lebanon


Synthesis report of the ecological characterization of the marine areas of Nakoura, Tyre and Saida in Lebanon


Ecological characterization of sites of interest for conservation in Lebanon: Enfeh Peninsula, Ras Chekaa cliffs, Raoucheh, Saida, Tyre and Nakoura



Characterization of the main biological communities present along the coast of El Kouf National Park (Arabic - French)


Scientific field survey report for the development of Marine Protected Areas in Libya: Ain El Ghazala and Bomba Bay


Monitoring Mediterranean Lesser Crested Terns: Thalasseus bengalensis emigratus (English - Arabic)



Economic and social survey of El Kouf National Park in Libya


Toolkit for stakeholders' involvement in the establishment and management of a marine protected area (in Arabic)




Rapid assessment survey of coastal habitats to help prioritize the suitable new areas needing a status of protection for the development of a network of marine and coastal protected areas in Montenegro


Ecological quantitative description of Boka Kotorska Bay marine area


Fishery activities assessment in Montenegro :
case study of five selected parts of Montenegrin coast


Marine biodiversity in Montenegro: testing EcAp application in Boka Kotorska bay (Montenegrin - English)


Legal and institutional framework assessment for conservation of coastal and marine biodiversity and the establishment of MPAs in Montenegro (Montenegrin - English)


Ecotourism for local development in Boka Kotorska: Feasibility study



Rapport synthétique de la liste « prioritaire » des sites méritant une protection au niveau des côtes Méditerranéennes au Maroc (in French)


Identification des parties prenantes et des partenariats potentiels pour la création d'un réseau national d'AMP au Maroc (in French)


Le Cap des Trois Fourches (Méditerranée, Maroc) : caractérisation écologique et orientations de gestion (in French)


Communautés biologiques marines du Cap des Trois Fourches (Méditerranée, Maroc) : caractérisation, cartographie et orientations de gestion (in French)


Le cap des Trois Fourches: Un site de grande importance pour la conservation de la nature sur la côte méditerranéenne du Maroc (in French)


Élaboration du plan de gestion de la partie marine et côtière du SIBE du Cap des Trois Fourches (Maroc) - Phase 1 : Bilan et diagnostic (in French)


Élaboration du plan de gestion de la partie marine et côtière du SIBE du Cap des Trois Fourches (Maroc) - Phase 2 : Plan de gestion (in French)


Élaboration du plan de gestion de la partie marine et côtière du SIBE du Cap des Trois Fourches (Maroc) - Phase 3 : Modalités de mise en place d'un mécanisme de participation (in French)


Plan de financement et durabilité financière de l'aire marine protégée du Cap des Trois Fourches (in French)



Suivi de la nidification de la tortue marine Caretta caretta sur les îles Kuriat (in French)


Habitats marins et principales espèces des îles Kuriat (in French)


Suivi de la nidification de la tortue marine Caretta caretta sur les îles Kuriat (in French)


Suivi de la nidification de la tortue marine Caretta caretta sur les îles Kuriat (in French)


Suivi de la nidification de la tortue marine Caretta caretta sur les îles Kuriat (in French)


Suivi de la nidification de la tortue marine Caretta caretta sur les îles Kuriat (in French)


Rapport de synthèse sur les techniques et les indicateurs de suivi écologiques des poissons dans les îles Kuriat en Tunisie (in French)


Élaboration d'un plan de gestion pour l'aire marine et côtière protégée des îles Kuriat - Phase 1 : Bilan et diagnostic (in French)


Élaboration d'un plan de gestion pour l'aire marine et côtière protégée des îles Kuriat - Phase 2 : Gestion de l'AMCP (in French)


Replication Activity - Tunisia

Ecological study for the creation of a MPA in the N-E of the Kerkennah Islands


Socio-economic study for the creation of a MPA in the N-E of the Kerkennah Islands


Strategy for mobilizing institutional actors for the creation of a MPA in the N-E of the Kerkennah Islands



How to support the development of alternative livelihoods and/or income-generating activities in the Mediterranean MPAs?


Guidelines for setting up and management of Specially Protected Areas for marine turtles in the Mediterranean


Guidelines for the Establishment and Management of Marine Protected Areas for Cetaceans


Cetacean manual for MPA managers


Environmental education and awareness raising in Mediterranean MPAs


Guidelines for management and monitoring threatened population of marine and coastal bird species and their important areas in the Mediterranean


MedMPAnet 1st Newsletter


Development of Guidebooks for Marine Protected Areas Managers in the Mediterranean


Status of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Sea


Proceedings of the 2012 Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean


2020 Roadmap for Mediterranean MPAs


Capacity Building Stragety to enhance the management of MPAs in the Mediterranean Sea


MedMPAnet 2nd  Newsletter


Stakeholder participation toolkit for identification, designation and management of Marine Protected Areas


Surveillance and regulation in Mediterranean MPAs : how to maximize the efficiency and sustainability of actions


Guidance for building marine protected areas networks


MedMPAnet 3rd Newsletter


Monitoring for managing Mediterranean MPAs


Sustainable financing of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean : A guide for MPA managers


©MedPLAN tool (Excel file)


Surveillance and enforcement of regulations in Mediterranean MPAs: A practical guide


MedMPAnet 4th Newsletter


Reflections on achievements and future directions for Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean



MedMPAnet Project final workshop


Summary report of the Regional Training on Sustainable Financing of Mediterranean MPAs


A guide on environmental monitoring of rocky seabeds in Mediterranean MPAs and surrounding zones (English - French - Spanish)


Sustainable financing of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean: a financial analysis




MedOpenSeas Project

Fisheries conservation and vulnerable ecosystems in the Mediterranean open seas, including the deep seas


Overview of scientific findings and criteria relevant to identifying SPAMIs in the Mediterranean open seas, including the deep seas


Technical report on the Geographical Information System developed for the Mediterranean open seas


Report presenting a georeferenced compilation on bird important areas in the Mediterranean open seas


Seabirds in the Gulf of Lions shelf and slope area


Operational criteria for identifying SPAMIS in areas of open seas


Fisheries in the Gulf of Lions


Important areas for the conservation of cetaceans in the Gulf of Lions shelf and slope area: synthesis of existing data on cetaceans and threats


Description of the ecology of the Gulf of Lions shelf and slope area and identification of the areas that may deserve to be protected


Developing a Marine Protected Area network in Mediterranean open sea areas, including deep sea areas


Sicily Channel/Tunisian Plateau: Topography, circulation and their effects on biological component


Sicily Channel / Tunisian Plateau: Status and conservation of Seabirds


Sicily Channel / Tunisian Plateau: Status and conservation of fisheries


Adriatic Sea: Status and conservation of Seabirds


Adriatic Sea: Important areas for conservation of cetaceans, sea turtles and giant devil rays


Adriatic Sea: Status and conservation of fisheries


Adriatic Sea: Description of the ecology and identification of the areas that may deserve to be protected


Alboran Sea: Status and conservation of seabirds in the Alboran Sea



Alboran Sea: Status of open seas fisheries


Mer d'Alboran: Situation et conservation des cétacés (in French)





Technical Reports

Best practice guidelines for Aquaculture and sustainable management in Mediterranean coastal wetlands


International legal instruments applied to the conservation of marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean region and actors responsible for their implementation and enforcement


The Mediterranean Sea Biodiversity: state of the ecosystems, pressures, impacts and future priorities




Governance and Development of Specially Protected Areas

Practical guide on gap analysis and MPA system planning for the Mediterranean area


Roadmap for a comprehensive coherent network of well-managed MPAs to achieve Aichi Target 11 in the Mediterranean


Best practices and case studies related to the management of large marine transboundary areas


The Status of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Sea


Proceedings of the 2012 Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean.


Note on the establishment of Marine Protected Areas beyond national jurisdiction or in areas where the limits of national sovereignty or jurisdiction have not yet been defined in the Mediterranean Sea


Specially Protected Areas in the Mediterranean: Assessment and Perspectives


Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance: SPAMIs


Economic aspects of marine protected areas (MPAs)



Guidelines for the establishment and management of Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Protected Areas





Climate change

Best practices, measures and lessons learnt for biodiversity restoration, ensuring carbon sink optimization and buffering resilience to climate extremes


Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas and climate change: A guide to regional monitoring and adaptation opportunities


Impact of climate change on marine and coastal biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea: Current state of knowledge


Sub-regional report on vulnerability and impacts of climate change on marine and coastal biological diversity in the Mediterranean Adriatic countries


Sub-regional report on vulnerability and impacts of climate change on marine and coastal biological diversity in the North Mediterranean non-Adriatic countries and Israel


Sub-regional report on vulnerability and impacts of climate change on marine and coastal biological diversity in the Mediterranean Arab Countries



Synthesis of National Overviews on Vulnerability and Impacts of Climate Change on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean Region


Impact of climate change on biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea




Action Plans, programmes and strategies adopted within the framework of SPA/DB Protocol

 Restoration programme of Pinna nobilis



Action Plan for the conservation of habitats and species associated with seamounts, underwater caves and canyons, aphotic hard beds and chemo-synthetic phenomena in the Mediterranean Sea


Action Plan for the conservation of marine vegetation in the Mediterranean Sea

(adopted in 1999 / update of 2019)

Action Plan for the conservation of the Coralligenous and Other Calcareous Bio-concretions in the Mediterranean Sea

(adopted in 2008 / updated in 2016)

Action Plan for the conservation of marine turtles in the Mediterranean

(adopted in 1989 / update of 2019)

Action Plan concerning Species Introductions and Invasive Species in the Mediterranean Sea

(adopted in 2003 / updated in 2016)

Action Plan for the conservation of cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichtyans) in the Mediterranean Sea

(2003 - Update of 2019)

Action Plan for the conservation of marine and coastal bird species listed in Annex II of the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean.

(2003 / update of 2017)

Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea

(adopted in 1991 / update of 2021)


Action plan for the management of the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus)





Conditions and criteria for the award of the title of Regional Action Plan Partner

Conditions and criteria for the award of the title of Regional Action Plan Partner




Within the framework of the Action Plan for the managing of the Monk Seal

On the occurrence of the Mediterranean monk seal in the Lebanese waters


Regional strategy for the conservation of monk seal in the Mediterranean

(2014 / update of 2019)

Poster on the Action Plan

Poster on the Monk Seal in the Mediterranean




Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of marine turtles

Retta and Mydas Journey (Colouring comic strip) (English - French - Arabic)


Updated Timetable of the Action Plan for the conservation of Mediterranean Marine Turtles (2014 - 2019)


Guidelines for setting up and management of Specially Protected Areas for marine turtles in the Mediterranean


Proceedings of the Third Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles


Book of abstracts of the Fourth Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles


Sea turtles in the Mediterranean: Distribution, threats and conservation priorities


Poster on the Action Plan


CDROM elaborated and diffused during the 26th International Symposium on marine turtles (Crete, Greece 2006)

Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles


Guidelines to improve the involvement of marine rescue centres for marine turtles


Guidelines to design legislation and regulations relative to the conservation and management of marine turtle populations and their habitats


Proceedings of the First Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles


Sea Turtle handling Guidebook for fishermen (Arabic, Greek, Spanish, Croatian, Turkish, Slovenian, Italian, Maltese)


Interaction of the marine turtles with fishing in the Mediterranean



Sea Turtle handling Guidebook for fishermen - Teaching book (Spanish)
Training Course On Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Turtle Conservation Training Course Poster on the marine turtles in the Mediterranean


Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans

Cetacean manual for MPA managers


Guidelines for the Establishment and Management of Marine Protected Areas for Cetaceans


Poster on the Action Plan


Guidelines for Commercial Cetacean-Watching Activities in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area


Guidelines for the Development of National Networks of Cetacean Strandings Monitoring


Poster on the cetaceans in the Mediterranean



Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of marine vegetation

Proceedings of the 7th Mediterranean Symposium on marine vegetation (Genoa, Italy, 21 - 22 September 2022)

Proceedings of the 6th Mediterranean Symposium on marine vegetation (Antalya, Turkey, 18 January 2019)

Ecological role of Posidonia oceanica meadows
Albanian - Arabic - Croatian - English - French - Greek - Italian - Maltese - Montenegrin - Turkish


Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean Symposium on marine vegetation (Portorož, Slovenia, 27-28 October 2014)

2012 - 2017 Work Programme and Implementation Timetable


Mediterranean Seagrass Meadows: Resilience and Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation
A Short Summary (Spanish)


Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Symposium on marine vegetation (Yassmine Hammamet, 2-4 December 2010)

Leaflet "Oases of the Mediterranean – Seagrass Beds" (French, Arabic)


Leaflet "MedPosidonia"


Guidelines for impact assessment on seagrass meadows


Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on marine vegetation (Marseilles, 27-29 Mars 2007)

Poster on the Action Plan


Protection and conservation of Posidonia oceanica meadows



Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean symposium on the marine vegetation (Athen, 12-13 December 2003) Proceedings of the first Mediterranean symposium on the marine vegetation (Ajaccio, 3-4 October 2000)

Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of bird species registered in annex II of the SPA/BD Protocol

Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the conservation of marine and coastal birds in the Mediterranean


Book of abstracts of the 2nd Symposium on the conservation of marine and coastal birds in the Mediterranean


Updated Timetable (2014 - 2019) of the Action Plan for the conservation of Bird species listed in Annex II to the SPA/BD Protocol


Atlas of wintering Waterbirds of Libya (2005 - 2010)


Guidelines for reducing by catch of seabirds in the Mediterranean region


Poster on the Action Plan


Guidelines for management and monitoring threatened population of marine and coastal bird species and their important areas in the Mediterranean


Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on the Mediterranean action plan for the conservation of marine and coastal birds


Poster on the bird species registred under annex II of the SPA/BD Protocol



Guidelines for the elaboration of National Action plans for the conservation of marine and coastal birds





Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichtyans) in the Mediterranean Sea

Manuel de formation sur les poissons cartilagineux, identifier et reconnaître les raies et requins de Méditerranée (In french)


Updated Timetable (2014 - 2019) of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Cartilaginous Fishes (Chondrichthyans) in the Mediterranean Sea



Guidelines for shark and ray recreational fishing in the Mediterranean


Report on the status of mediterranean Chondrichthyan species


Guidelines for reducing the presence of sensitive Chondrichthyan species within by-catch


Chondrichthyan fishes of Libya: Proposal for a research programme


Proceedings of the International Workshop on mediterranean cartilaginous fish with emphasis on southern and eastern Mediterranean (14-16 October 2005, Ataköy Marina, Istanbul - Turkey) Poster on sharks and rays
Poster on the Action Plan Poster I on the of Cartilaginous fishes the Mediterranean sea

Poster II on the of Cartilaginous fishes the Mediterranean sea


Within the framework of the Action Plan concerning species introduction and invasive species

Guidelines for Controlling the Vectors of Introduction into the Mediterranean of Non-Indigenous Species and Invasive Marine Species (disponible en anglais uniquement)


Guide for risk analysis assessing the impacts of the introduction of NIS


Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on the Non-Indigenous Species (Genoa, Italy, 21 - 22 September 2022)

Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Symposium on the Non-Indigenous Species (Antalya, Turkey, 18 January 2019)

Non-native species in the Mediterranean: what, when, how and why?


Guidelines for controlling the vectors of the introduction into the Mediterranean of non-indigenous species and invasive marine species



Guide for risk analysis assessing the impacts of the introduction of non-indigenous species


Poster on the Action Plan




Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of the coralligenous

Guidelines for the Assessment of Environmental Impact on Coralligenous and Maërl Assemblages.


Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Symposium on the Conservation of the Coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions (Genoa, Italy, 21 - 22 September 2022)

Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on the Conservation of the Coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions (Antalya, Turkey, 17 January 2019)

Mediterranean Coralligenous Assemblages
Albanian - Arabic - Croatian English - French - Greek - Italian Maltese - Montenegrin - Turkish


Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on the Conservation of the Coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions (Portorož, Slovenia, 29-30 October 2014) Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Symposium on the Conservation of the Coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions (Tabarka, 15 – 16 January 2009)

Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of habitats and species associated with seamounts, underwater caves and canyons, aphotic hard beds and chemo-synthetic phenomena in the Mediterranean Sea

Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean symposium on the dark habitats (Genoa, Italy, 21 - 22 September 2022)

Guidelines for inventorying and monitoring of dark habitats in the Mediterranean Sea


Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean symposium on the dark habitats (Antalya, Turkey, 17 January 2019)


Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean symposium on the dark habitats (Portorož, Slovenia, 31 October 2014)





Tools for the elaboration of national inventories of natural sites of conservation interest

Updated Reference List of Marine Habitat Types for the Selection of Sites to be Included in the National Inventories of Natural Sites of Conservation Interest in the Mediterranean


Updated Classification of Benthic Marine Habitat Types for the Mediterranean Region


Mediterranean Pelagic Habitat: Oceanographic and Biological Processes, An Overview


Standard data-entry form (SDF) for national inventories of natural sites of conservation interestt



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