10/23: Call for consultancy to elaborate a strategy for sustainable fisheries in the Kneiss SPAMI
Proposals must be submitted electronically by 22 October 2023.
In the framework of the ENSERES project, SPA/RAC is issuing a call for consultancy to contract a consultant to conduct a comprehensive assessment of current fishing practices within and around the Kneiss Islands Nature Reserve (Tunisia) and propose sustainable fishing strategies to minimize negative environmental and socio-economic impacts. The specific objectives include:
- Establish a diagnosis of the current situation of fishing practices in and around Kneiss, including IUU fishing.
- Assess the environmental and socio-economic impacts of IUU fishing within and around the Kneiss Islands Nature Reserve.
- Identify key stakeholders.
- Develop a set of recommendations and guidelines for sustainable fishing practices and to address existing IUU fishing practices.
For more details, please refer to the Terms of Reference.
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