02/22: Call for consultancy on the development of options for EU threshold values for impulsive noise
The consultant recruited by UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC will contribute to the drafting of the "Options for EU threshold values for impulsive noise".
In the framework of the QuietSEA project, funded by the DG for the Environment of the European Commission, SPA/RAC launches the call for consultancy n°08/2022_SPA/RAC QuietSEA to hire a consultant who will contribute to the drafting of Deliverable 2 "Options for EU threshold values for D11C1 for impulsive noise of the MSFD ".
The consultant will work within a working group established to support the European Union Technical Group on Underwater Noise (EU TG-Noise).
To participate in the call for consultation, a dossier, the content of which is specified in the Terms of Reference, should be sent to SPA/RAC by email to the following address: no later than 28 February 2022, at 23:59 UTC+1 (Tunis time).
The terms of reference (in French only) are available on the following link.
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