07/21: Training on the use of the Marinomica platform for hydrodynamical and water quality modelling for Egyptian stakeholders
Within the EU-funded ODYSSEA project, UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC and RAED organize on 14-15 July 2021 a training workshop to promote user validation of the Marinomica platform and to foster capacity development in Operational Oceanography, amongst Egyptian stakeholders.
The European Union-funded ODYSSEA project consortium developed a range of data-based oceanographic information products, including mapping and monitoring of hydrodynamic parameters and eutrophication assessment, to be accessible by a broad range of end-users via the Marinomica platform.
These products provide valuable information for the sustainable use and management of ecosystems in the context of the Mediterranean’s challenges, such as vulnerable ecosystems, overexploitation, pollution, extreme events, renewable energies and coastal protection.
The Marinomica is a unique tool in the Mediterranean that eases the access to knowledge, by providing a single portal that applies advanced algorithms to organise, homogenise and fuse the large quantities of data in common standard type.
The online training workshop, to be organized on 14-15 July 2021, aims to promote User Validation of the platform and contribute to engage Egyptian stakeholders in activities related to sustainable management and Blue Growth.
More specifically, it will address the following issues:
- Odyssea project and Marinomica last update;
- Hydrodynamic modeling (wave, currents)using DELT3D tools;
- Water quality modelling using DELWAQ (Delt3D tool)
The training targets port authority professionals, public administration staff, researchers and academics, and other stakeholders active in marine environmental protection, fisheries and aquaculture.
Download the workshop agenda.
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