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11/20: Call for consultancy - identification of the 1st elements to elaborate the List of Reference of Pelagic Habitat Types


The Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) is launching a Call for consultancy aimed at carrying out a feasibility study for the elaboration of the reference list of pelagic habitat types in the Mediterranean Sea.

The objective is to provide the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention with the necessary elements to decide on the best way/approach to follow to establish the Reference List of Pelagic Habitat Types in the Mediterranean Sea.

Offers must be received electronically at the following e-mail addresses: car-asp@spa-rac.org; cc: atef.ouerghi@spa-rac.org, no later than 6 December 2020, at 23:59 UTC+1 (Tunis Time).

The terms of reference, conditions of participation, evaluation procedure and other useful information concerning this call for tenders are detailed at the following link (available in English only). Offers could be made either in English or in French.