03/17: Towards the development of responsible whale watching activities and pescatourism in Tunisia
The SPA/RAC organizes with the Direction Générale de la Pêche et de l'Aquaculture and the secretariat of ACCOBAMS the training workshop "Towards the development of activities of responsible whale watching and pescatourism in Tunisia", in Gammarth, Tunisia, the 14&15 March 2017
The Secretariats of ACCOBAMS and GFCM are coordinating, in collaboration with SPA/RAC, a Project to mitigate negative interactions between endangered marine species and fishing activities. The general objective of this project is to improve the conservation of threatened marine species, such as cetaceans, sea turtles, seabirds and to promote responsible fishing practices in the Mediterranean.
This project aims in particular to promote in Morocco and Tunisia the development of ecotourism activities, such as pescatourism and marine fauna observation, to reconcile the conservation of threatened marine species and the practice of fishing activities.
As part of this project, training workshops are being organized on pescatourism and marine fauna observation activities in order to present the issues related to their development and the good practices to avoid animals' harassment.
The objective of the workshop "Towards the development of responsible whale watching activities and pescatourism in Tunisia", held in Tunisia, is to present whale watching and pescatourism activities and the stakes related to their development both legally and institutionally, and to ensure respectful and responsible practices.
This training is intended for the members of the Steering Committee set up by the Tunisian DGPA (Direction Générale de la Pêche et de l'Aquaculture) in the framework of the project, representatives of the national administrations involved in maritime recreational activities and private operators associated with the project.
For more information about the programme, please click here.
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